Exceptional Attorney
Providing First-Rate Support

Rice Family Law is in the business of helping you generate your best possible work product
and achieve the most desirable outcome for your clients.

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I have extensive experience in formal discovery, including taking and defending depositions, bringing and opposing motions to compel, and in developing strategies to reduce or avoid litigation expense related to discovery disputes.

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I have written and filed hundreds of memoranda on a wide variety of subjects, both in civil and family cases. I can also act as a sounding board to discuss and refine strategy in your case.

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Trusted Courtroom

I have litigated thousands of contested family law matters and conducted more than 30 evidentiary hearings and trials. I am available to make whatever appearance you need, from routine FRCs to discovery motions, depositions, evidentiary hearings and trials.

Featured Article

Litigation Privilege

Recently, I became involved in a case in which Wife was seeking a DVRO based in large part on the statements she claimed her ex-husband made during a court hearing. Mind you, the judge presiding over that hearing did not sanction Husband. The statements allegedly made during the hearing by Husband were not made to Wife; they were aimed at [...]